Contact Lens Exams & Fittings in Apopka

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Clarity & Flexibility Made Easy with Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can be an excellent eyewear alternative for those looking for freedom from eyeglasses but don’t want to commit to corrective eye surgery. We offer a specialized contact lens exam and fitting at Optical Eyeland. Our knowledgeable optometrists are experienced in finding our patients the perfect contact lenses for their lifestyle.

If you’re considering contact lenses, or already wear them, visit our office for a personalized contact lens exam.

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The Contact Lens Exam

A contact lens exam is similar as a comprehensive eye exam, but with a few extra steps specific to contact lens wear. You’ll undergo the same routine tests, such as visual acuity, glaucoma screening, and refraction assessment, but your eyes will also need to be assessed specifically for extended contact lens wear.

We’ll perform a thorough evaluation of your eyes with a detailed look at how contact lenses may impact your ocular health. Our priority is ensuring that contact lenses won’t cause discomfort or damage to your eyes.

The Contact Lens Fitting

The contact lens fitting involves a discussion of your lifestyle and preferences. Some individuals may only want to wear contacts occasionally while others will want to wear them most of the time, which may require different types of lenses. Because we also offer a selection of specialty lenses, we’ll also discuss your specific needs and expectations when it comes to contact lens wear.

We’ll also perform a tear film evaluation and take detailed measurements of your corneal curvature, pupils, and irises to find the perfect shape of contact lens for your eyes. We’ll then give you a trial pair to take home and teach you proper contact lens care, including how to remove and insert them.

Specialty Contact Lenses

Toric Lenses

Astigmatism is a refractive error that causes blurred vision at all distances. This error occurs when the cornea or the lens is irregularly curved, which causes the light that enters the eyes to refract incorrectly.

Astigmatism can be corrected with eyeglasses or specialty contact lenses, like toric lenses, which compensate for the irregular curvature.

There have been many advances in contact lens technology that now offer many options for those with astigmatism.

As we age, we will all develop a refractive error called presbyopia. Presbyopia occurs when the eye’s natural lens starts to become more rigid, meaning it’s not able to adjust and focus as well as it used to. This usually means you can’t see as well up close, and you may start holding things farther away to see them better.

While you can use reading glasses, bifocal, multifocal, or progressive lenses to correct the issue, multifocal contact lenses can create more natural vision by correcting both near and far distance in one lens.

You may have heard of transition lenses, the eyeglass lenses that darken when you’re outside. But did you know they also come as contact lenses? These soft contacts are made with light sensitive materials, and darken automatically when exposed to bright light, like sunlight.

They offer some protection from UV radiation, and correct refractive errors like myopia and hyperopia.

Book Your Contact Lens Exam & Fitting Today

We offer a personalized touch and a personal shopping experience at Optical Eyeland. If you’re considering contact lenses, call us today to book your contact lens exam and fitting, and experience the customized care we provide!

Visit Us in Apopka

Our office is conveniently located off South Orange Blossom Trail heading South, across from Big Lot’s. Our building has ample parking and is walking distance from the Route 106 bus stop.

Our Address

730 South Orange Blossom Trail
Apopka, FL 32703

Contact Information

Phone: 407-880-0335
Fax: 407-880-6782
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

9 AM5 PM
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9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

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